I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Who doesn't love ice cream?

Me, I don't.

My sister says it's unAmerican.

I agree.

I just can't bring myself to enjoy a cone very often.

I don't know why that is,

but I'm sure my thighs praise me for turning down the creamy goodness.

I will eat a dozen donuts though - I'll save that for another post.

My kids love ice cream.

It doesn't matter what the season,

Or if the temperature is 90 degrees or 11 degrees

Max even hides behind the stroller so he can finish part of Vinny's ice cream - in hopes that Vinny won't change his mind and want it back.

Vinny was busy with what he had...

and after we scooped the top portion of his melting ice cream into a cup for Max to finish...

he wasn't missing a thing.

*I have yet to address the toddler afro hair he is sporting these days.  I don't know what to do with it, but old ladies love it - so it looks like we are keeping it.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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