Main’s Flower Gardens | Fort Wayne Photographer

Small things in life make me happy and excited.

In northern Indiana this year, if you don't already know, we have had a spring filled with too much rain.

We have been lucky to have minimal flooding.  Not that there hasn't been flooding, but not near as bad as other parts of the country.

It was a cool spring.  It was so cool and dark with rain clouds that it was a little hard to believe that summer wasn't far off.  So when I saw this one day on my way home.  It made me want to dance.

It was a sign that summer was indeed on the way - and that no matter what the weather was on that particular day - warmth and sunshine would be here before we knew it.

I love Main's.  I could easily spend an hour there looking at all they have to offer.  And they offer a lot.  Rows and rows of color.

I have to fend off the desire to spend all of my money there.

Looking at all they have makes me want to buy it all.

But I have learned my lessons from years past and decided to take pictures instead and buy just what I need.  They have fruits, vegetables, and herbs among all of the lovely plants and flowers.  This day I bought a couple daisies to add color to my front yard and beautiful green pepper plants for my garden.  This will not be the only visit to Main's this year.

If you have never visited Main's and you love to garden,  please do.

You will find what you are looking for.

Main's Flower Gardens

7300 State Rd 930 East

Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Near New Haven

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