Number Eleven | Happy Birthday Max!

Today marked my son's birthday - number 11!

I am not sure how time has gone by so fast, but they said it would.

Lucky for me, today has come and gone without tears.  I get pretty weepy at the thought of my kids getting older, and what better time to recognize that than a birthday?  This year I was excited more than usual for Max to get his presents.  Two things he has been putting on his lists for a long time, and Xbox and an iPod.  I got great deals on both, and it was a big surprise to him when he opened them.

I was also excited because I knew Amanda, from Maddie Cake Bakery, and I were planning a fun cake for Max.

Amanda is super talented.  I asked Max what kind of cake he wanted.  A skateboard cake was his answer.

I gave Amanda a rough idea of what I thought would be cool.  She ran with it...and this is what she came up with:




She didn't disappoint, he absolutely loved it!

{It was pretty exciting.  I love surprises}


I am also getting cupcakes for his sleepover with his friends.  Mario!

It is always a little awkward when it is time to sing Happy Birthday at our house.

Nobody wants to do it.

None of us can sing.

But it looks like Vinny was most embarrassed by it all.


He had to watch Max blow out the candles though.


Happy Birthday, Maxwelli!

We love you!


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