Sumatra Orangutan

During our fantastic trip to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo this week,

we saw one of my favorite exhibits,

the Sumatra Orangutan.

He looked very content, covered up in his blanket.

Sumatra Orangutans are classified as "critically endangered"  with estimates that there are only 10,000 left world wide.

Half of the wild population of orangutans have been lost since 1950.  As a side note, I have heard we have lost a lot of things since

the 1950s - what is going on??

Orangutans come from the Mayla words 'orang' (man) and 'hutan' (of the forest).

Orangutans spend most of their time alone, except for females with their young.

That concludes your short Saturday lesson on orangutans.

As for this guy...he was either sick of looking at us...wanted his alone time

or was ready for a nap.

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