Tagged blue owl photography

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For crying out loud

I am one of those people that frequent Pinterest.

If you do too, you know what I mean.

It is a fun thing to fall into and then waste hours of your life residing there.

Just moments ago, I was enjoying Pinterest. 

I came across this Pin:





I loved those stupid things!


Before I go on any more about this.  This pin and picture is brought to you by Etsy shop owner Storybookvintage.  http://www.etsy.com/shop/storybookvintage.  

This wonderful proprietor was actually selling this charm necklace.  How do you still have your hands on these things?! 


I think they should make a comeback.  Everything else has*. 

*Did they run out of toy ideas, so all these things make their way back into our homes? 


I hope everyone is ready for Christmas.  If not, I hope your days are as stress free as possible. 

and remember it's ok to not __________________________________ (you fill in the blank.  fill it with crap you feel obligated to do.  fill it with that extra cleaning you wanted to do before Christmas.  fill it with the baking/cooking you thought about doing for Christmas.  fill it with whatever you want.)  it's ok. 

Enjoy the season for what it's supposed to be about.  Don't worry about the stressful things that are attached to it. 

Washington Square Park | New York | Fort Wayne Photographer

I found another reason to love New York City

as if I needed one.

Washington Square Park is an interesting place to be.

My absolute favorite thing about New York is

the people.

Everyone in New York has a wonderful uniqueness to them

in my mind.

I love it.

The day we visited Washington Square Park, there was no shortage of unique people.

I had to include the following tidbit.

We passed it on the way to NYU,

leading to the park.

We didn't go in.

I regret that a little.

So, on we went...

All of the parks in New York, at least in Manhattan, are beautiful.

Creativity was brewing.

Business as usual.

The pigeon man.

I was a little freaked out about how he let them climb all over him,

on his head...


but he was also fascinating,


I loved finding:

A game of chess

between two strangers.

An old man

and a young boy.

And chess in the park??

How great is that?

The boy won.

so cool.

Dog walking.

More business as usual.

It's awesome seeing all of the different dogs out and about.

I took this photo because of the two Frenchies.

My best friend squeals for them.

I did miss getting the picture of a student showing her panties to everyone as she prepared for a video being shot for a class by

laying down on the ground.

It was an unfortunate situation.

no shortage of unique people.

love it.

{Fort Wayne Photographer, New York City}

Sharing Santa’s Cookies




Ok....maybe I sampled one of Santa's Cookies...









He would be totally cool with it....I'm sure of it...

How can he not want to share with me??

I'm totally on the Good List.


NYC | Fort Wayne Photographer

I'm just sitting down to edit the pictures I took when I was in New York this fall.


I love New York


so it's a little treat that I am just now looking at what I took.


It will be New York Week all next week here on the blog.


"And it was to this city, whenever I went home, that I always knew I must return, for it was mistress of one's wildest hopes, protector of one's deepest privacies. It was half insane with its noise, violence, and decay, but it gave one the tender security of fulfillment. On winter afternoons, from my office, there were sunsets across Manhattan when the smog itself shimmered and glowed… Despite its difficulties, which become more obvious all the time, one was constantly put to the test by this city, which finally came down to its people; no other place in America had quite such people and they would not allow you to go stale; in the end they were its triumph and its reward." - Willie Morris







"There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless." - Simone De Beauvoir






{Fort Wayne Photographer, New York City}

A little sunshine in your life

I was fortunate to meet an awesome family last year, Molly, Greg, and Adilyn Mittendorf.

Of course, I met them through another awesome family, the Swans...but I will save that for another post.

I must admit, other than family, Adilyn is one of my favorite kiddos to photograph.  She is this sweet and funny package of goodness that you can't help but smile or laugh when you are around her.

We met last week to get some quick pictures of her and she didn't disappoint.








Did I mention she is hilarious??


I adore how you can get a glimpse of  the love between a child and their parents by the way the child will smile at them.


Last year, Molly let me know that Adilyn might not really smile, so I shouldn't really expect that.  That was my fair warning.

Imagine my joy when I did get her to smile and this year was no different.  She gave the smiles up and I am so happy she did.




Thank you, Molly and Greg, for letting me photograph your family.

You guys are awesome.  I enjoy it every time!

Missing In Action

Here I thought I would get all caught up on my reasons to be thankful list and I would be back in blog business like that!

*insert me snapping my fingers here*

But no, I have been MIA.

I have been editing pictures...

I have been indecisive about what I want to post...

I have been blog lazy.

This morning I got a phone call that inspired me to post something today.

My friend and co-worker Cindy called me to fill me in on things I might have to do in her place this week.  Her mother has been sick for sometime now.  She has been a fighter her whole life from the stories Cindy tells.  She has had cancer multiple times, now it looks as if she is nearing the end of her time here.

I shutter to put myself in Cindy's shoes.

My husband's grandmother Moord passed away this summer.  I doubt I will ever forget my husband's aunt Debbie looking at me and saying, "the whole mom thing...is really hard".  They had lost grandpa Moord in the last couple of years.  He had been sick and we knew it was coming.  Grandma Moord's passing was out of the blue, she had had a stroke.  Before that I thought she might live forever because she was such a strong, independent woman.  Yes, I thought in response to aunt Debbie's thoughts...  How do you say goodbye to your mom?

Recently, my sister-in-law lost an aunt to cancer.  She was young.  She was a mom too.  Loss is so hard, but when a mom is lost, I feel like the loss must be devastating.

When Cindy was trying to explain tasks that I might have to take over for her this week, she stopped mid sentence as if she forgot what she was going to say and said..."I'm sorry, I just can't think straight."  It made my stomach turn.  I hate to see other people in pain that way, especially those so near and dear to me.  I have grieved like that and I know how that is, but I can't imagine what it's like with a mom.

So today I am praying for peace for those that have lost their mom, praying for Cindy and her family - while they struggle with letting go of her mom.

This week I am going to celebrate the fact that I have my mom.

She has sacrificed everything for me.  She is there whenever I need her at a moments notice.  She always does what is right.

I love her more than she knows.  I am so thankful that she is my mom.


...now go call your mom and tell her you love her.


Love like there is no tomorrow.

catch up on thankful posts…

Am I slacking on being thankful?

No way!

I was without my computer for quite some time and now I am back in business.

I had been posting my thankfulness on Facebook since my iPhone could get me through not having a computer.  Thank goodness for smart phones!

That isn't why I am officially thankful today though.   I am going to post what I have been thankful for since the last time I posted...just so you know I'm not slacking.  ;)

Today, day #14.... I am thankful for my awesome friend and sister-in-law, Amy Moord. She is one of the best listeners I know and always makes time to listen to my ranting. I am extremely lucky to have her in my life! ?

Today, day #13, I am thankful for my good friend and co-worker, Cindy Pappert. It's her birthday today. She keeps me sane when work gets crazy and she always listens when life gets crazy. She is one awesome mom and wife and when I grow up, I want to be just like her. ?


Day #12 of thankfulness...Today I am thankful for having an awesome person to help me out with Vinny even early in the morning. — with Andrew Syndram.  We aren't the biggest morning people around here.  It is easier for me to get a sitter at home with the luxury of walking out the door without taking my son to a sitter first thing in the morning....making sure he has had enough breakfast, making sure I have everything he needs, making sure we get out the door in time for me to get to work on time, making sure he is happy enough for me to leave him at the sitter without dragging him, crying and clutching my leg - and still making it to work on time.  I can also come home and - voila...I can kick my shoes off and get right into home-type things instead of picking him up at a sitter and taking him home.  It's just easier.  Thanks to Andrew, I am able to do that.

Day #11 of thankfulness...I am more than thankful for Dell support. They got my computer back up and running today. Thanks, Dell!

Day #10 of thankfulness...I am thankful for my little brother Tyler and soon to be sister-in-law Shelly. It's his birthday today and Shelly is more than awesome to me and my kids. They will be married in June, while in itself is wonderful - but it also allows me to see long distance family again and that is an added bonus! ?  *funny thing about this one...since I was without my own computer, I was using my husband's computer...which was wrong with the time by a whole 12 hours.  So, when I was looking at the computer I thought it was the 14th of November, which was wrong, it was the 13th...so happy birthday to my brother a whole day early.  haha!

Day 9 of thankfulness...Today I am beyond thankful for the service men and women who have served our country and for their families that have endured that sacrifice as well. Thank you Jason Patrick Hicov, Jason Hammond, John Scott Jr, Shannon Stineburg, McClain Shewman, Mason Shewman, Joe Cox, Ryan Bowser, Daniel Kerr, Abbie-Hope Snyder-Bassinger, Jordan Palmer...and anyone else out there that I didn't mention...we all thank you.

Day 8 of thankfulness...I know it sounds trivial, but I am thankful that my kitchen cabinets look good in their new color - black. Thanks to Josh :)

Day #7 of thankfulness...Today I am thankful for my cousin Robert and his wife, and my best friend, Kristie. They are more like brother and sister-in-law to me. They give their everything to me unconditionally. I love them so much and I am going to miss them like crazy. One day we will live close and all will be right with the world. :)  I could go on and on about this one.  Have I said I love them??!

Day #6 of Thankfulness....Today I am thankful that my son, with whom I shared a bed last night, finally learned how to make it to the toilet before his dinner came up and out - instead of throwing up all over the bed like he has in the past. Triple thankful!

....Being on vacation makes me slack off in the technology dept., so I am catching up on my thankfulness. Days 3, 4, and 5 of thankfulness goes to Alyssa, my oldest, the one person that has changed me most for the better. Maxwell, my middle child, my other miracle baby we thought we might loose 7 days after being born. My child who is most like me. I am thankful to let them both hang out by sand and sun yesterday.


And now I'm caught up :)

30 days of Thankfulness

My friends have inspired me to do the 30 days of Thankfulness, posting each day something I am thankful for.

I love this idea because it is so easy to be negative, especially in these hard times we are living in.  It's refreshing to see the positive side of people's lives.

It's not hard to come up with 30 things I am thankful for.

As a matter of fact, I will start this 30 days with saying:

I am thankful for my husband, Josh.


I could fill the whole 30 days with reasons why I am thankful for him.

I am happy to say we will be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary next month.

We have been through a lot together.  I've known him since I was 15 years old.

That fact alone is very comforting to me.

He has been an ever-changing, yet constant person in my life.

He accepts me for who I am.  Even when I don't.

He is the best father to our children.

Again, I could fill the 30 days with reasons why I am thankful for Josh or I could write pages today, but I will keep it short and sweet because the word thankful doesn't begin to describe how I feel for him.


I am overwhelmingly thankful.


Where there is love there is life. - Mahatma Gandhi 

Senior Portraits | Fort Wayne Photographer

I can't get enough of senior portraits!  I love everything about them.  I was in those shoes such a long time ago - it doesn't just seem that way, it was a long time ago.  I still remember the anticipation of being done with high school and being able to move on to better things.  I didn't know, before graduation, what was ahead for me.  I guess not many of us know.  I love hearing what the plans an aspirations the seniors have.  And I wish them the best.  Lord knows it isn't easy being that age.

Taelar is an absolute delight.


She has so much going for her.

She's smart,


and a hard worker.

She also has a great family, which really helps.


Not to mention....she is super beautiful.



She has an awesome attitude too.  You can tell a lot about a person from how they treat their mother.  No joke.


In a few short weeks it will be Taelar's 18th birthday and in June she will have the world at her feet.

I wish all the best for you, Taelar.  Remember the teachers in school are right, you can be anything you want to be and do anything you want to do.  Best of luck to you!





{Fort Wayne Senior Photographer, Senior Photography Snider High School}

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