choices continued…dresses

Photo a day for a year

Today's subject:

my mailbox

The above is all good and great, but I am stuck on yesterday's subject: Choices.

Yesterday was the second appointment for my sister to go wedding dress shopping.

Here are some of her choices:

(none of which I think she will choose, but I posted these...because you can't see the bride in the dress before the big day!)



Posing for the camera...


Just like Saturday's first appointment,

she looks great in everything she tried on.


I particularly love this photo.

My mom and step dad in the background, laughing.

Good times were had by all!

She hasn't quite narrowed it down to one yet.....

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “choices continued…dresses”

  1. Deb February 7, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    She is going to br a beautiful bride-just like her Mom and sissy.

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