Pre-K first day

Today was my youngest child's first day of school.  If you know me, you know I have issues with my kids going to school.  I know it is obviously best for them, but if I had it my way, I would keep them with me always.  It goes without saying that today was particularly hard since he is my youngest, my last. 


First day of school picture


And he is just so darn cute, who wouldn't want this kid as a sidekick all day?


He was all set with his new shoes he loves so much.  They light up, so that is extra exciting.


New Shoes


He made it a point to show everyone and ask his teacher if she liked them. 


Before we made it to the school, he asked if I could just stay at school with him.  This child knows how to break me down and tear my heart into pieces.  I told him I would "be there for field trips, we would get to go to the pumpkin patch together"...as my heart lay shredded in pieces on the floor.  How did this happen?  How did he get so old so quickly?  My mind took me back to when he was born, early and so little.  How is it that he is going to school already?  Why do I have kids when they just break my heart?....


I had to tell myself:  It's only two and a half hours for crying out loud.  He doesn't want to run errands with you anyway.  He is going to have a blast.


And he did.


First day of school


Luckily, I made it out of the school and to my car without crying. 

That was as good as it got.  I cried like a baby driving away, but I made it to the car and that was my goal.  :)


He had a wonderful day and that made it all worth it.  He loves his teacher and promptly reported to me that he chased a girl at recess.  "You don't know Mariah, mom." he told me.  And so it begins....


Hug your babies tight.  They are only ours for a second.  Blink your eyes and they will be graduating high school. 



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