Sweet Senior, Hannah Solerno

I can't believe this school year is over already.  While I have wanted this day to come since August, I have to admit, the school year flew by!  East Allen County Schools are done early this year.  Early is an understatement.  We usually get out of school after the first full week of June.  There are always numerous snow days to make up.  This year {we had a lovely winter, as lovely as they come around here} we didn't have any snow days to make up, which is unheard of.  Even if we did have snow days to make up, we still would have gotten out earlier than usual.  I think we are all in shock and frankly maybe not quite ready for all of this.

Who am I kidding, of course we are all ready to be done with homework, early bedtimes, early rising, and all that jazz.

I am getting some seniors that need their pictures taken still, which is no surprise.  Our spring weather hasn't been totally cooperative.  We had two weeks of warmth and a promise of a lovely summer to come - followed by a month and a half of chilly, fall-like weather with wind that was pretty relentless, making beautiful long hair look like a rat's nest.  We had very narrow windows for photo shoots to be had.  Seniors are so busy too.  My daughter is going into 7th grade next school year and I already can't keep up with her overflowing social calendar.  I can't imagine what it will be like when she is a senior in high school....nor do I want to at this point.  :)

I was lucky to be able to photograph the lovely Hannah Solerno, who {we figured out during the shoot} I have known since she was maybe four or five years old.  She is best friends with Chloe, my husband's youngest sibling, and has been since they were that young.  I remember those girls running around the Moord house when they were very young - probably kindergarten.



How time flies!  I'm not sure if I will ever get over how fast time goes.  When my older children were little, people would say, "enjoy this time, it goes too fast".  I am a person of deliberate words - they said "too fast"...not just "fast" or "quickly"...they said "too fast", like the first time you ever rode an amusement park ride and thought, "if this doesn't stop or slow down soon, I might throw up my lunch" - that kind of fast.  Their words are true - too fast.

I have a vertigo issue - I don't need things to go fast - it just ends up feeling like things are spinning out of control.  Same goes with my thoughts of my children and time.  I have a weak heart and I'm a big cry baby.  I don't need for time to fly by quickly, it makes me an emotional wreck.  I am trying to work on that - and I might use my seniors to help me along my way.  I mean, just look what a beautiful young woman Hannah is!

She's smart and funny...and has made really good choices along the way.  She will be attending Ball State University in the fall.  She plays sports.  She is so smart that she isn't dating anyone right now.  "I don't have time for all of that," she told me.  "They would probably get angry with me because I wouldn't be able to spend much time with them anyway".  Smart girl!!

I have that same hope for my children.  That they make smart decisions, that they are good students and stay in activities that help them grow.  I am trying to look at seniors like Chloe and Hannah and think that is what is in store for my kids - to not be sad because it is an adventure and I get to share that with them.

Thank you, seniors that have gone down the good path - that have set good examples for those that follow you.  You have done a great job and will reap wonderful benefits for the good choices you have made.  Hannah, I wish you the best in wherever life takes you.  Good luck at Ball State next year.  Come home and visit your family often, they love you so much.  I look forward to see what great things life has in store for you!  See you in a couple weeks at graduation!

....more senior posts to come!

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