The best of friends | Fort Wayne Photographer

This past weekend it was my pleasure to have my daughter's best friend, Avery, over.

We haven't seen her in a long time.  She was our neighbor and then they moved across town.  Between school schedules, ball schedules, and life - we hadn't had the girls together for a couple of months.  I love their family, to say the least.  There are many days where I sit and think how wonderful it would be if they still lived next door.  We decided to really make it an effort to keep the girls in contact since they were so close.  I think it's great because I also love her mom - I think she is pretty awesome.  I got a friend out of the deal too - bonus!

I didn't realize the complete change it would make to our household having Avery over night.  I kept commenting to my husband that, "all is right with the world again".  I'm sure he was sick of me saying that by Sunday.  I just couldn't get over it.  My daughters pre-teen attitude had melted away to nothing.  My kids played together.  Together!  Without fighting even!

When I looked out my dining room window and saw this - I'm not sure anything could have made me happier at the moment.  They were trying to show Avery how to "do Spiderman eyes".  It had been such a change of pace from what had been normally going down at our house lately.  I had no idea that the Spiderman eyes lesson would warm my heart as much as it did. It's just what I needed to see.  I had been getting a little weepy lately that my baby girl was soon to be 12 years old.  I'm not a fan.

I should have known better - to never underestimate the power of a great friendship.  What a wonder a day with a friend can do for your soul.  To be able to laugh and play and have the most important thing on your mind be the candy bars that mom is going to the store to get for you is priceless.

After Avery was gone that evening we sat down to dinner.

My husband asked my daughter, "so, did you enjoy Avery being here?"

Alyssa - "yes"

Josh - "Good, I know your mom did!"

and I did.

Max - "so did I!"

This made me know I was right - all was right with the world again.  Even my 9 year old son was happy to have her over, because she is fun and really is part of our family.

I'm so glad summer vacation is just around the corner and we can get them together more.

Friends Rock!

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