Yearly trip to the mall with my monsters


I take my kids to the mall to see Santa every year. 


It just dawned on me this year that one year my daughter will announce to me - "Not this year, Mom.  I'm too old for this."


I asked her about it.  When she thought she might let me in on this awful announcement. 

True to her dad's style she told me, "I'll tell you when it happens." 


I'll be the mom in line to get pictures taken with Santa, fighting back the tears. 

Or at least hope I won't be the one with tears streaming down my face. 

That possibility is never out of the question.

This season was not the year.

{insert me wiping my brow with a that-was-a-close-call look on my face here}


Since we have made visiting Santa at the mall a tradition, we have 3 must-dos while we are there. 

#1  - We pick up dinner from the food court and take it home.  And let me tell you the line for Panda Express is always long.  So long that you can check your email and Facebook from your phone and still twiddle your thumbs in anticipation to be helped.  But it's worth it.


#2 - We will cram into the photo booth there and try to get silly pictures of us all.  Much like visiting Santa, I know this tradition will not last forever - only because my kids refuse to stop growing and you can only cram so much into those booths.  :)


#3 - We ride the carousel there.  This one is a must.  I can't help but take pictures of my youngest while we are riding.  The kids have so much fun, you would think we were at Disney.  I love it.  (And you are going to see similar pictures of the same thing every year.)





















And thankfully, we take dinner home with us, because if the older two kids had it there way...they would do this until they threw up.



I hope the first week of getting back to "normal" after the holidays is treating you all well.


Happy Weekend!

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