Archive for Fort Wayne Photography Blog

Forever Young, Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday, to the most influential woman in my life - my mom.

The older I get, the more I realize how much my mom and I are a like.  Now, that might bother some people - to be like there mom.  Not me.  As a matter of fact, there are a few areas where I wish I was more like my mom.

When I think of my mom's best qualities, I first think of how she gives people the benefit of the doubt.  She has granted that luxury to me, personally, for as long as I can remember.  Even if she doesn't agree with someones actions, she tries to see their side..the reason people are the way they are..and grants them grace.

My mom is fun...and quirky.  She buys my kids things like candy in the shape of "mouse teeth"...or little reindeer that "poop" Dr. Pepper flavored candies that look like turds.

She knows how to have a good time, and sees to it that others have a good time too.

She loves to travel.  I am sure that is where I get it.

She knows that a clean conscious and heart is better than a clean house any day,

but a clean house is nice too.

She knows the tragedy of loosing a loved one.

She sensitive and strong.

Her heart can ache for a stranger, but she doesn't take shit from anyone.

Because of me, she had to grow up too fast, and I sometimes mourn her late childhood and early adulthood for her.

She has never made me feel that I wasn't worth it.

She has taught me to listen to my heart, that is where truth dwells.

She has taught me, it is what it is.

She has been there for me at a moments notice, and always when I need it most.

She gives me the gift of unconditional love and accepts my dreams, my fears, my hopes, my anger, and my tears.

She knows it is not the things in life that are important, but who you share your life with that is.

Recently I was in a crowd of people with my daughter.  We were near a family that acted in ways I couldn't even wrap my mind around, laced with anger and hatred toward one another.  I told my daughter, "see how lucky you are - you don't get to choose the family you are born into"...

I am lucky.  I am lucky my mom is mine.  I wouldn't want another.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

You're the best!

Ignorance is bliss, most days

This past weekend my daughter's All-Star team wrapped up their season in the best way. They beat two Wahoo tournament (World Series qualifying teams) winners.  For the semi-final game, they were down two runs in the bottom of the sixth inning (they only play six innings) and came back to win.  I have never witnessed a more intense game. My daughter was the winning run.  Could my heart swell any more?  no.

After the last game was played, a reality hit home.  That was it for the season.  My daughter was put on the all-star team last year.  Many of the same girls played on her team this year.  Last year was just as amazing as this year.  We have had so much fun.  I realized though that just three years ago, we were missing all of this.  We had no idea great times were being had and intense games were being played.  We were going about our summer, doing summer time things.

It is hard for me to let go.  (That is a blanket statement for me for all things)

It is hard for me to say good bye to the season.  I told the coach, I could do this - going to tournaments, every weekend. I love watching the girls play.  I love watching them win.  I love listening to their cheers.  I love the excitement.  I just do.  Why would I want it to end?

Maybe I was better off three years ago, when I didn't know what I was missing?

No way!

{I will patiently wait until next summer}

Way to go girls!


It's London Olympics time and I couldn't be happier.  I have always liked watching the Olympics, but this year I really looked forward to it.  I feel like I have seen quite a bit of it so far.  My kids like to watch it too, and they are in awe.  My youngest pretends to be a "good swimmer" in the couch cushions.  Yesterday we were watching men's gymnastics.  As he watches, he says, "I can do that."

It's hard for me not to beam with pride for these athletes.  It is hard to watch the parents watch their children.  What they go through watching their kids nail it.  Pride wells inside me, I know that pride for my own children.  Maybe not on an Olympic level, but I can imagine that it is very much the same.  I am not sure I could be an Olympian's mom.  I would cry.  all.the.time.  Good or bad, the emotion of it all would sweep me away.

My heart beams for the winners, no matter what country they are from, and it is even more exciting when they beat the world record.  You can't help to realize their awesome athletic ability, determination, and the countless hours, days, weeks, and years they have dedicated for the moment they are in.

On a smaller scale, I have my daughter and her All Star softball team.

They are beyond awesome.  They have lost only one game this season.

We haven't played for two weeks and this week will be our last tournament this year.  We are thankful to play one more time.  There is something about watching these girls that is exciting, it's emotional, it's fun.


It is amazing what you start to pick up on, as a parent in the stands.  You get used to their different stances.

The different silly faces.

Watching them gear up.

Watching them brave the weather that engulfed this summer with days of relentless heat.
Those girls played many days in mid 90 degree weather.  One day was particularly rough, with the heat at 102 degrees and the heat index at 114 degrees.  That was a hard day, but they kept their spirits up...their biggest collective redeeming quality, they have awesome attitudes.


I cannot say enough about the coaches.  They put so much time and effort into teaching these girls.  You can tell they care.

They are good at consoling, and keeping an upbeat attitude...always encouraging.

The catcher's dad, the assistant coach, beaming with pride...when the catcher reveals her secret of picking the other team off.

"You can't teach that."

No, you can't...and that is just how these girls are.  Smart.

I'll miss this as I did last year.

And eagerly anticipate next season.

Good luck this weekend, ladies!  You are a great team!

Baby Oliver

I'm constantly reminded what a small world it really is.

  I recently met Oliver's mom when she was pregnant.  We got to talking and realized we live in the same town.

I later found out that my husband's uncle is her husband's Godfather.

Small world.

I was delighted to meet her and even more delighted to meet little Oliver.

He's precious

and full of perfection.

I think mom and dad think so too.

Congratulations, Sorg Family!

Thank you for letting me record this wonderful time.  I wish the best for your family as you enter this new chapter of your life!

I remember when you were this big

I remember rolling my eyes at adults as a small child as they said,

"I remember you when you were this big..."

and then they would show how big I was


I was to do the immediate math on how long they have known my family.

I find myself stepping into the adult role these days,

not quite to the age where I have told other people's children the

"I remember when..." story,

but I am getting close.  I can feel it.

Especially when a near and dear long time family friend has a baby,

and here he is.

He is so sweet.

And I know there will come a day when I say,

"I took pictures of you when you were just days old..."

I am only now realizing that most of the time, when that "remember when" story is told,

 there is some piece of pride nestled in the words of the story.

Maybe it was pride for the child,

maybe it was pride for the parent,



I will be honored to give this little guy my "remember when" story when it's time.

For now, Amy and Dan, enjoy your sweet baby Beau.

Thank you for letting me capture this time in your life!

Isn’t it strange how we move our lives to another day, like skipping a beat

For those of you who know me well,

you know I am a huge Dave Matthews fan and you might have joked with me that I am a groupie.

This post might be about my weekend encountering the band in Indy a couple short weeks ago.  So, if you would rather roll your eyes at this fan girl and don't want to read about it...back to your regularly scheduled programming with you.

If you want to see some of my up close and personal shots of the band, read on.

I have been a fan of Dave Matthews Band since 1995, but in 2009 something changed.  I was able to meet many of the band members and even spend a few minutes talking to them.  That changed my status of "loving the band" to "I must do this every year and as often as possible".  You can take this moment to feel sorry for my husband.

This year, my best friend and I were able to shake off the dust from not attending concerts last year and head to our favorite venue, Deer Creek.

We were able to get Pit tickets for night two of the concerts.  Pit is a section that is up front, but is general admission.  Even though we are faithful fan girls, we still weren't as dedicated as those that got the very front spot.  Some day, that will happen.

Nevertheless, we had a pretty great view - minus the seven foot tall man in front of us.

I have made it to the Pit once before, in Tampa.  I was in about the same place I was here in Indy.  I never knew there is so many little things you miss when you aren't up close to see - Dave and his crazy faces, the rest of the band getting excited for the crowd, the other band members singing back up...I could go on and on.

The Dave and Boyd duel is one of the highlights of the shows for me - even if I am sitting in the lawn.

It is funny to watch Dave and how he admires the musical greatness of his fellow band members.

He knows he works with some of the best musicians around.

Above is Reshawn Ross, on the trumpet and Jeff Coffin on the saxophone.

I am happy to say I have met and talked with both of these kind gentlemen.  To say they are good to their fans is an understatement.  They really do take time to talk to their fans and get pictures.  Reshawn even told me this weekend that he "hoped that we do a good job for you this weekend".

This is what my view really looked like for most of the show.

Who doesn't love some Boyd Tinsley on the violin?

As much as I yelled and begged in Carter's direction...no drumstick this time.

One day I am getting my hands on one.

It was an amazing set list with many of my favorites,

but most importantly, the ever anticipated

Pig was played.

Thus, the title to this post.

"Take your hands from your eyes, my love, all good things must come to and end sometime...but don't burn the day"

Youngest Cousin

Last week my daughter turned 13.

I started doing some math that I had previously and purposefully neglected.

I started to realize that most people have grandchildren

when they still have kids of their own at home.

Since my youngest is 4 and my older two are now 13 and 10...

that is likely that will happen at our house too.


But then I think about my youngest cousin,

she's pretty wonderful.

{This is her, post bath}

Her and I are 33 years apart,

and it doesn't matter.

She is a smarty.

She can count to ten in Spanish.

She's not yet two.

Her parents are amazing.

Not a little amazing, a lot amazing.

And it just goes to show, you never know what you are going to get

or who you are going to get

in your family

in the years to come.

So, I am putting my calculator away,

no need for math.

What family we get and when isn't up to me anyway

and no matter what,

it will always be a blessing.

Beauty, with child


We all know someone in our lives who is outwardly beautiful


I am pretty sure we all know people that we think are beautiful

because of who they are,

how they act,

how they treat other people.

Their beauty seems to come from within,

making them even more beautiful.

With Stephanie, she has both of these kinds of beauty...and being with child (her third),

she might be the prettiest pregnant woman I have ever seen.

I work with Stephanie at my "day job" so I have been able to spend some time with her.

She's adorable!

I was happy to meet the rest of her family during our shoot...

...and force her husband Matt into a couple of pictures...

{where he was an absolute good sport about it all}





*big sister*



Family goodness!

Congratulations, Jones family!

We can't wait to welcome your new addition to the world!

Wanted: Good Motherly Advice

Sweet Jakob just turned a year old recently.

When I did his shoot, I told him good thing I can't have kids anymore

because his cuteness might make me want more kids.

He's a sweetheart and we had lots of fun.

I also told him I might just take him home...

just for a little bit.

His mom let me know that I wouldn't want to do that.

Behind his oh-so-sweetness is a baby that won't sleep in.

Mom isn't looking for him to sleep in late...she is just looking for him to sleep past 5 am.


She said sometimes he gets up as early as 4 am.

Double Yikes!!

Now, I know some of the best moms there is...

I am sure most of you are reading this right now.

I'm looking to pass on some of your infinite wisdom to Jakob's poor mom.  What advice do you have for a child that won't sleep?

She has tried...

keeping him up {that backfired}.

She gives him baths every night before bed.

She has a fan and radio in his room to help him sleep.

His dad works 2nd shift, so "crying it out" is a rough option.

But this boy wants to be UP early!

His mom said,

maybe he's trying to ensure he is an only child.

So, for the sake of their unborn children, I am asking you to send some advice our way.

Not to mention, you will be saving his mother's sanity.

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