Puppy Love x 2

A portion of last night was spent outside with our dogs.

We have 2 blue Pitbulls, Evey and Mumbles, and an English Mastiff, Mattie...

The Meat...


Meatilicious...whatever you want to call her.

The Meat made a small appearance and then went back inside

to assume the usual position in the kitchen as our live bear skin rug.

If you aren't a Pitbull fan - I wasn't either.  I wanted a bulldog.  Little did I know that most ads for bulldogs on line are scams.

Weird, right?  But my heart was set on a bulldog and I even thought we were going to get one - and that ended up being a scam.

Don't people have better things to do with their time - like get a real job?

Anyway, my brother-in-law, Zach, found a great breeder and hooked us up with him.  We looked on line and I picked Evey out of the group of available pups after my husband had picked another.  I called him and asked him if we could get this other dog instead.  I think Zach was glad to hear that because he ended up getting the original dog my husband picked and named her Cash.  I'm not sure if I have loved another person's dog more than I love Cash.  She is a sweetheart, just like Evey.

Which brings me to my point that these dogs are the sweetest dogs I have ever met.  They listen well and are great with kids.

They used to be referred to as the "nanny dog" because they are so good with children.  So if you aren't a fan of pitbulls, give them a chance.

Bad owners make bad dogs...just a thought.

But that is enough talking from the soap box for today.

This is our sweet Evey dog.

She rarely holds still for photos.  Even when she seems like she might, she turns her head as if she were avoiding the paparazzi.

So last night was a rare treat for me.

What you don't see is Josh standing off to the side giving her the "just a minute/stay" sign.  She listens so well.  It's pretty fantastic.

Mumbles on the other hand will let me take his photo if I can take it fast enough and then get out of the way when he comes bounding toward me.

We got Mumbles last year because we considered breeding them.  At least that is why I wanted him.  Josh is just smitten with

Pitbulls.  I'm glad we got him.  As much as he drives me nuts, licking me every chance he gets - he is warm and affectionate and great with our kids.

Always by dad's side.

Both of them always want to be by Josh's side.  Always.  There might even be dog sobbing from inside if they are in bed and Josh goes outside to mow.


I know this next picture isn't sharp, but it does show the undeniable truth of the title Man's Best Friend.

My brother-in-law, Tim, recently said that having a dog is one of the closest things you can get to God.  A dog's love is

unconditional.  (not an exact quote, I'm sure.  sorry, Tim.)  :)

I am happy we have them.

They are fun and there is never a dull moment with them.

And hopefully....they will be our momma and papa dogs soon.

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