Tagged blue owl photography

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Which are boys and girls? Now we know!

We gave momma

some space,

some time,

and some lovin'

and now we know

we have six boy puppies

and five girl puppies.

She could have only made it more even

if she had one more or one less.

I wouldn't want it any other way. 

So here they are - to make their official blog debut!

They are total wiggle monsters though - so there are better pictures to come. 

As they get older, we'll show more of them - like the twins who have matching, yet opposite markings. 



*******************************UPDATE**** the puppy below has a home****UPDATE********************************






Last, but certainly not least, is this sweetie pie - but she already has a home.  Lucky for us, she gets to stay in the family.    :)

They are all doing great still.  Evey is doing great too.  What a wonderful mom she has turned out to be - not that we expected anything less.  I'm so happy we have such amazing dogs. 

Both Evey (mom) and Mumbles (dad) are UKC registered.  They are both purple ribbon bred, champion bloodlines.  We have a six generation pedigree for both dogs.  They both come from two very reputable breeders in the Midwest.  We are asking $1,000.00 for the puppies.  For serious inquiries, please email me at aprilmoord@gmail.com. 

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments on the puppies and Evey.  It makes me so happy that just looking at them brings happiness to others. 

Have a great weekend!!!

Puppy personality

If you have been following my blog in the last couple of days

you know that our sweet Evey dog had puppies on Tuesday night.

They are amazing. 

They are already starting to take on their own little personalities.

What amazes me most is when all eleven are quiet.

When we got Evey, she had the best temperament. 

I thought that would all change after a few days - after she was comfortable with her new home.

It hasn't changed at all. 

She is calm, sweet and listens better than any other dog I have ever had. 

I have a feeling that this must be in their DNA.  Check back with me in a couple of weeks though.  :)


This cutie likes to stick out it's tongue.  often. 


I think everyone is smitten by this one.  We call her Blondie because she is the only one that has the blonde coloring.  Love her snuggling with momma.


Who doesn't love snuggling with momma though?




Most of all, I am impressed by what a wonderful new mom our Evey girl is.  She knows so much - which pups have nursed, kicking off ones that have fed and pulling hungry ones to her.  She's a very clean mom - and I love that.  She is so attentive and loving.  It's been a wonderful experience so far. 

We are ready for a nice, long weekend to hang out with them all. 

Happy Friday!


Morning Surprise

We had 8 newborn puppies when I went to bed last night.

We thought momma was done.

She wasn't.

I got a morning suprise.

There were so many puppies

I wasn't sure how many there were

and I didn't want to disturb the mom by trying to count them.

I waited for my husband to give me the final count.


Eleven puppies!!!

As promised, I am posting more pictures today. 








smitten  :)

Newborn Kylie | Newborn Photographer Fort Wayne

It was my pleasure to meet this little sweetie recently.

I often forget how tiny newborns are.

I *might* squeal  a bit when I meet a newborn

because they are so itty bitty. 

My children couldn't have possibly been this small,


How soon we forget - and that is why these moments need to be captured.











{Fort Wayne Photographer, Newborn Photography}


I am a proud owner of 8 new puppies. 

We thought it was 5,

but then 3 more joined the group.

We were lucky to watch momma give birth.

So amazing. 

My husband helped deliver one.

So wonderful.

I think this sweetheart is my favorite.

And lucky me, she already has a wonderful home to go to when she's old enough.

Lucky me, it's my awesome brother and sister-in-law.



For the next 8 weeks, I might beat you down with puppy pictures.

Consider yourself warned.  :)

Ode to Summer

Summer is quickly slipping away.

It seems like it just got here.

Just graced us with it's sweltering days

and nights.

And now with school approaching in the next couple of days

it's like it was all a dream.

Back to reality with us....

never my favorite time of year.

My next few posts will be a reflection on this summer

this time of goodness spent with my children.

Max was a little freaked out by that ride :)

If I could hold the hands of time still forever

I would.

Are you ready for some football?!

This sweetie pie is ready for some football.

Colts football!

What is her favorite toy?

A stuffed Colts football.

She loves throwing it and I think I have seen her give the touchdown sign.

I got to hang out with sweet Madison Paige last week.

What a sweetie!

Blowing kisses....

She takes time to stop and smell the roses

and reflect....

as daddy stood just out of the shot just in case she wanted to go for a swim too.

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You can use the following information to contact us if you wanna join us or anything need to communicate.

Name: April Moord Photography Administrator