Tagged blue owl photography

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Family Love | Fort Wayne Photographer

I love how cute this family is.


I loved their shirt idea.



Their family bond was obvious right away.  I love that.

And some people were said to have been in an ornery mood that day....



The more of that the better.....

that's just my opinion.  :)


This sweetheart is loved like crazy.




...how could you not?  Cupcake :)



Take time to love your family everyday.


Time goes by too fast not to.








{Fort Wayne Photographer, Family Portraits}

4 boys + 4 girls = so cute

I've been meaning to give an update on my cuties for some time now.

They decided to pose for me today.


We call this big boy - L Twin.  He has a twin (female) that has a mark on the back of her neck that looks like a J...he has the same mark that looks like an L.  L Twin.



We call this boy, Tank.  Our vet's assistant actually suggested the name as we were trying to keep them separate when they were getting their shots.  I like it.


This poor cutie doesn't have a name...I think the less we connect with them, the easier it will be to let them go.  :)

I think he has cute ankle socks on.  :)



This guy was our first born.  He was the largest for awhile, but not anymore.  He has a white collar around his neck.


And the four girls.....


Here's Blondie, on the right - obviously.  Isn't she pretty?  She was the only one that was this color.



Remember L Twin?  This is J Twin.  If you put them side to side, it looks like they have a smiley face across their necks.



The one in front is Runtee.  She is the Runt, though she is catching up in weight.



Last, but not least is White Sox. I couldn't get her to hold very still though....so sorry for the blur.  :)  I think I took 15 pictures of her and this one was the best I got!


They are all sweet as ever and paper trained - bonus!!

I just hope the weather stays nice so they can run outside as much as they want.

Happy 8 week birthday!

Family fun | Family portrait session Fort Wayne

I love photographing fun loving families.  In the past two weeks I have had the pleasure of getting together with many fun families.

This family is no different.  I can't get over their collective cuteness.  I had a good time and I hope they did too.





"Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!"  - Albert Einstein

I miss you already

We had to put our oldest dog, Mattie to sleep on Monday.

I hate it.

She was an English Mastiff and eight years old.  Which is pretty old for a dog of her size. {I tell myself this to make me sleep better at night}

So, yesterday afternoon she had one last romp in the yard.  It was a beautiful day and she seemed glad to be outside.








{one of the things I hate most of all - my kids in pain}



and I do believe that is a smile





Good bye, sweet Meat.  Words can't describe how much you will be missed.



Only time will make it better.


Dogs' lives are too short.  Their only fault, really.  ~Agnes Sligh Turnbull

my babies – kids & puppies

I can hardly believe we have had our puppies for 5 weeks now.

I wasn't sure what to expect at all before we had them.  Some people said that breeding dogs isn't even worth it because it is so time consuming and hard.

Don't get me wrong, it is time consuming during parts of my day.

I clean poop more than I would like to,

But the reward of just having them around is great.

We have some of them going to family - and that makes it even more rewarding.  I love knowing that we will see them after they are grown - even if only in pictures.

My kids love it too...

My daughter with Blondie.  If I let her keep one, this would be the one.

{I was just happy to get a picture of my daughter without a fight}


My youngest refers to the puppies as "the babies".  Another reason I am glad some of the babies are going to family.






This is a daily scene at our house.


Since we have had such beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful weather the puppies have been hanging outside more.  {which cuts down on the poop cleaning - hooray}











Hopefully you have enjoyed this weekend and the beautiful weather as much as we all have.  :)

Steve Jobs, Optimist

It's amazing to me, what death can do - what a ripple effect it has on the world.

Some of us make a larger splash and the ripples travel far and wide.

When I heard of Steve Jobs' death, I couldn't help but think of how "untimely" it was.  Funny that we consider young people's death "untimely" because we feel like everyone should live until they are old and just pass away from natural causes.  But, as painful as it may be, everything has it's own time - even death.  And as much as it doesn't make sense at the time, there is usually good reason that this young person has been taken from us before we were ready to let them go.  In Steve Jobs' instance, I am sure he didn't want to live with cancer for much longer than he did.  It reminds me of something my husband recently said about my beloved cousin that is legally blind, who's sight will get increasingly worse as he gets older.  We were talking about the future, about when we will be much older.  I said something about us helping him when his sight is gone and how I would be so lost without him if his body and mind "gave up" and decided to leave this earth much earlier than I would like.  My husband said, "how long do you want him to live totally blind?"  As much as we want these wonderful people in our lives, how much do we want them to suffer because we want them to be here?

Steve was a true inspiration.  Not many people I know have jobs that they love, something they long to do.  Many of us do our jobs because we have to, to put food on the table and pay the bills.  Steve's life was the example of your parents or teachers saying "you can be anything you want to be" when you were younger.

And the ripple effect goes on...in our little corner of the world, my kids grew up with Toy Story.  Those movies are actually a little cornerstone in my children's childhoods.  As a matter of fact, my youngest will be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween this year.  I can't watch Toy Story 3 without crying.  every.single.time.  Steve was an Executive Producer of Toy Story and at one time Chief Executive of Pixar Animation Studios.

My heart goes out to Steve's family and friends.  He was a husband and father - no matter what the rest of us think, those were his biggest accomplishments in his life.  I pray that they find peace and comfort in this difficult time.

“When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: 'If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.' It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."   - Steve Jobs

New Haven Senior Photos

The day was chilly, but not raining.

This fun loving girl wasn't going to let a little chill in the air keep her from getting her senior photos done.

I think she did an amazing job.  Her mom wanted a lot of happy, smiling photos - because that reflects Genny best.  She is a sweet girl who has this wonderful, fun attitude.  As a matter of fact, I didn't see one bit of teenager anger at all the day we were out.

But I couldn't help but post these wonderful serious pictures.

I had to ask her - "do people constantly tell you how gorgeous you are?"

"No."  She replied.  I could tell I might have embarrassed her for a moment.








I wouldn't leave you with just serious pictures of her though....

that just wouldn't be right.



Genny, I wish you the best for your future!

{Go Bulldogs!}


Let’s cuddle

The puppies are doing great.

They have their eyes open now and are starting to get around better

instead of doing the cute army crawl on their bellies.

This is bedtime at our house these days....






"Drunk on the milk" - as my 4 year old niece might say.  :)



Puppy Nest.


Have a wonderful Monday!

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