Tagged blue owl photography

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Sweetie Pies | Fort Wayne Photographer

Summer is here!

In kid's speak:

Summer = Play!

"Summer afternoon...

the two most beautiful words in the English language."

- Henry James

I enjoyed meeting these sweeties last weekend.

We went to Foster Park and played.

They had a great time on the swings


They climbed trees

"He that climbs the tall tree has won the right to the fruit" - Sir Walter Scott

they have no fear of heights



They climbed more at the playground


and did I mention no fear of heights?

beautiful children


Mom and Dad love

sweet kisses




The kids say they are best friends.  How sweet is that?

too sweet for words


Bittersweet Day | Fort Wayne Photographer

Today is a bittersweet day for me.

It's the last day of school for my kids,

which I absolutely love.

I've been looking forward to this day

since the first day of school in August last year.

How time flies!

However, in the past month - I realized that today meant a lot of "lasts" for us.

I was told by one of my very best friends once that it is the "lasts" that get you.  Many times you don't know when the "lasts" happen until they are already over.  The last time I held my older two children in my arms (without their feet being on the ground) was years and years ago - but I didn't know when I did it that it would be the last time I was going to do it.  You just don't know.  It's the lasts that get you.

EACS district is going through some changes and instead of going to Highland Terrace next year for 4th grade, Max will have to go to Meadowbrook.  I'm not particularly thrilled about this.  I'm not alone, other parents are outraged as well, but it is the sign of our economic times.  Max wasn't too happy about it either - earlier this week, while I was putting him to bed he got a little teary and said he didn't want things to end with Highland Terrace.  If you know me at all, you know that I can't stand idly by and watch someone cry alone.  I will cry with you - mostly because I can't help it.  :)

A more gut-wrenching last today is that it is Alyssa's last day of elementary school.  This fact kills me as I type it.  I try to remember that many friends of mine have older children.  Many friends of mine that have children that are graduating tonight.  I should feel lucky.  We are only half way through to graduation for her.  But I know - like everyone says, "it will be here before you know it" ... "time flies"...and all of that.  It's so true.  I've seen it already.  I already mourn my children's youth, especially on days like today.

This is the last day they are going to school together as elementary students.  Sure, it will happen again when Alyssa is in 8th grade...and Max is in 6th.  The thought of that makes me a bit nauseous though, so I refuse to think about that right now.

So, normally we take pictures on the first day of school, but not the last.  This year, we did both.

I think the sky is crying for my sadness.

Please enjoy your children this summer, however old they are.  They are growing up too quickly.  Enjoy every moment, because that could be a "last" - not only with your children - but with all of your loved ones.

On a brighter note - at 2:30 today summer will have arrived at my house!

Happy Summer, everyone!

Main’s Flower Gardens | Fort Wayne Photographer

Small things in life make me happy and excited.

In northern Indiana this year, if you don't already know, we have had a spring filled with too much rain.

We have been lucky to have minimal flooding.  Not that there hasn't been flooding, but not near as bad as other parts of the country.

It was a cool spring.  It was so cool and dark with rain clouds that it was a little hard to believe that summer wasn't far off.  So when I saw this one day on my way home.  It made me want to dance.

It was a sign that summer was indeed on the way - and that no matter what the weather was on that particular day - warmth and sunshine would be here before we knew it.

I love Main's.  I could easily spend an hour there looking at all they have to offer.  And they offer a lot.  Rows and rows of color.

I have to fend off the desire to spend all of my money there.

Looking at all they have makes me want to buy it all.

But I have learned my lessons from years past and decided to take pictures instead and buy just what I need.  They have fruits, vegetables, and herbs among all of the lovely plants and flowers.  This day I bought a couple daisies to add color to my front yard and beautiful green pepper plants for my garden.  This will not be the only visit to Main's this year.

If you have never visited Main's and you love to garden,  please do.

You will find what you are looking for.

Main's Flower Gardens

7300 State Rd 930 East

Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Near New Haven

Support Local Business!

happiness | Fort Wayne Photographer

I have learned

when my husband pops his head in the backdoor

and says

"honey, grab your camera!"

I know I better do it -fast.

I'm glad I did today.

This beauty was in our backyard.

I took lots of pictures and it wasn't really moving.

I thought it was maybe stuck in the mulch.

But no, he was just posing.

take care of your widows | Fort Wayne Photographer

This morning my husband slipped out of bed before I did.  After much deliberation about getting out of bed or attempting to fall back to sleep - I decided to get out of bed.  My boys were still asleep...and still are as I write this.  That makes for a very quite morning.  When I made my way downstairs, I found my husband watching one of my favorite local speakers on tv for Blackhawk Christian Church.  I knew immediately that what he was talking about wasn't going to be boring, or "churchy" for that matter.  He was talking about widows - and how we should take care of "our" widows.  He spoke about his father and mother toward the end of their lives.  It first made me think of people I know that take care of their widows.  My very good friend, Cindy and her husband Kevin mow her mother-in-law's spacious yard - many times they both mow at the same time to get it done faster if that is any indication on how large the yard is.  I have heard her say many times about taking "the mothers", her mother and mother-in-law, out to dinner - or shopping for dresses for their grandchildren's wedding.

Then I started thinking about my widow in my life.

For the record, calling her a widow makes me a little sick to my stomach.  Her husband, my grandfather, was a very important part of my life - and the memories of him are a treasure to me.  I don't even count the years he has been gone.  Any amount of years is too many in my book.  The life they lead together is incredible to me.

My grandmother lives on her own in Florida.  She has a job - the same job she has had since I was in elementary school.  She is approaching mid 80s and I find that all to be very impressive.  My father's mother died when she was 70 years old from cancer.  That too was a heartbreak to me.  To know that my mother's mom is 14 years older than my father's mom was when she passed away is amazing to me.  I'm continually thankful for my grandmother's health.

As a woman, I understand there are some things - especially around the home - that I just can't do.  For somethings that need to be done around our house and yard, I am not strong enough - not tall enough - or just simply do not have the knowledge to do some things.  I cannot imagine adding 50 years to my life, taking away my husband, and still having to maintain things that I can't even maintain by myself in my current stage in live.  How does she do it?  How does anyone do it?

Of course, like I mentioned above - there are Cindys in life that will tend to things like mowing the lawn.  And quite frankly, with the weather we have had this spring here in Indiana - it's not as easy as just "mowing the lawn".  We have had rain, rain, and more rain - that means that the yard may need to be mowed more than once a week - and they have their own yard to mow...and lives to tend to as well.

I am lucky to have these men and their families taking care of my grandmother.

My cousin Robert and his wife Kristie and my uncle Jim and his wife Debbie have really stepped up to the plate and have taken good care of my grandmother - not only since my grandfather has gone, but even before that.  Not only helping her with things around her home, but also to give emotional support, and just time spent visiting.

In a recent visit to Florida - I asked my grandmother how she was doing.  Her response was, "I am so, so lucky to have these boys here - they come to visit me all the time and they are always doing things for me."  It was right then that I knew I am ever indebted to them.  They do what I am not able to.  They take time out of their busy lives for someone so important to my whole family - because without her - none of us would be here.

Forever grateful.

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